How to create the best post purchase experience that keeps customers coming back

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From the moment your customer lands on your website to the moment they receive a parcel, they’re building a relationship with your business. A key part of this is your post-purchase experience.

In addition to your amazing product offering, building a positive, strong relationship with your brand until the end of the post-purchase will keep your brand front of mind and customers coming back for more.

So, at what stages of the customer journey do you remind your customers of the positive experience they’re having with your brand to stay top of mind?

From checkout to the last stop in the post purchase customer experience, it all matters. Don’t let a bad experience with your brand lose you business. Create a positive delivery experience and show your shoppers how it feels to receive a long-awaited item with unmatched retail experience.

Australian businesses lose $720 on every bad customer experience.*

Here are four key moments to consider to improve your post-purchase experience:

1. At the checkout

Placing an order online requires trust – beyond payment details and product quality. Part of building brand loyalty is ensuring your customers know they’re getting the best from you- both the product and experience. Are you letting your customers know they’ll be taken care of by you? Build a relationship of trust at checkout by showing that you’re all over delivering their recent purchase and it’s in safe hands.

Tip! Under your shipping and delivery FAQ on your website let your customers know they’ll receive a unique tracking link and notifications, so they can track orders once a confirmation message has been received.

Find out more about how you can do this with Shippit.

2. In their inbox

What do your order confirmation emails look like?

An order confirmation email is an opportunity to restore confidence to your customers about their recent order- make it a positive form of communication. Same goes for any newsletters or other emails they may have subscribed to from you.

Tip: Align your order confirmation emails with your website design and messaging for a consistent experience. This will also help with reinforcing brand familiarity.

3. Order on it’s way… from you!

Your customer is eagerly awaiting their order. Keep letting your customer know their purchase is in safe hands with you and building that relationship of trust with them.

How can you do this?

Customise your tracking page and delivery notifications with your logo and brand colours. Reassure customers you’re the one looking after their order and your priority is delivering it to them.

Tip: Drive traffic back to your website by adding an advertising banner and custom URLs to your customised tracking page.

4. Parcel delivered… by you.

Your customer receives their parcel – yay! Are they instantly aware it’s from you? In that moment of excitement is your brand present? If not, why not? Let them know you’ve delivered that moment of joy and leave a lasting impression. After all, you’re the one building the relationship with them, not the courier or packaging brand. You want them to remember you in that moment.

Tip: Get set up with parcel labels and packaging with your brand logo on it. Don’t miss this moment with your customer.

Key takeaway? Don’t miss the post-purchase experience opportunities right in front of you.

We all love new customers discovering us, but don’t forget about the value of loyal, returning customers. Not only do you want to give your customers the best first time post purchase customer experience possible, you want them to come back – again and again.

A 10% increase in customer retention results in a 30% increase in the value of the company.

Customised branding puts your brand front and centre at each stage of your customers delivery experience, so you can keep your business front of mind and ultimately build brand awareness and loyalty. In under 7 minutes, you can add branding to the moments that matter and deliver your best delivery experience. Build your business by building strong customer relationships and loyal, returning customers.

Check out some examples of our branded tracking page, notifications, labels and pack slips.

January 30, 2022
Customer Experience

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